Verify Power Loads are Balanced 

Coming in 2024.

SensorLink's Phase Meter Wireless phase relationship set provides reliable operation, giving live-line personnel the confidence to make immediate decisions for multiple voltage measurement applications.

Live-line personnel are able to easily use the set in multiple applications, including phasing, voltage indication, phase angle indication, and phase sequencing.

Understanding phase relationships in three- phase power is essential for designing, operating, and maintaining the electrical system efficiently and safely.

Use the Wireless Phase Meter to safely take voltage relationship measurements when verifying in-phase relationships, 120-degree phase shifts, and balanced loads.


  • Check relationship between phases
  • Conduct load balance verification

Phase Meter Datasheet




  • Wireless communication up to 50 feet
  • Remote measurement display
  • Overhead and URD applications
  • Phase indication
  • Voltage indication in KV
  • Holds four reading measurements
  • LED and audible indication

The Phase Meter is a wireless measurement set, which can include a receiver for displaying readings. The Sensor and Reference units mount to hot sticks and communicate via radio to each other and the optional receiver display.

With the receiver display, the user views communicated readings up to 50 feet from the Sensor. The recevier can be held, attached to a hot stick, or hung on the bucket.

This measurement set can be used in overhead applications, and with the correct accessories, is also designed for us to measure on underground builds.


For more information on our Phase Meter

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